The bench-clearing scrum got out of hand and could result in severe punishments for several of those involved in it.
The bench-clearing scrum got out of hand and could result in severe punishments for several of those involved in it.

WATCH: Out-of-control, bench-clearing brawl breaks out in South Bend Cubs game

Cole Little Cole Little - Senior Writer -

SOUTH BEND, Ind. – An insane brawl broke out in Tuesday's High-A matchup between the South Bend Cubs and Fort Wayne TinCaps. The Cubs, a minor league affiliate of the Chicago Cubs, won the offense-oriented contest at Four Winds Field by a final score of 12-10, but an eighth-inning melee overshadowed the rest of the game.

A war of words between Cubs shortstop Delvin Zinn and TinCaps pitcher Sam Williams sparked the fracas, as Zinn reportedly did not take kindly to a remark directed at him by Williams in the bottom of the seventh. Fort Wayne continued to incite the conflict when TinCaps second baseman Kelvin Melean barked at Cubs reliever Brandon Hughes after striking out to lead off the top of the eighth.

Cubs catcher Jake Washer stood up for Hughes and directed Melean to head to the dugout. Instead, Melean chose to punch Washer, which proved to be the final crack in the proverbial dam. From there, a bench-clearing brouhaha unfolded, with players being shoved down left and right and punches being thrown from every direction.

The most dangerous aspect of the skirmish was Melean throwing a baseball that collided with a South Bend player's head. Amazingly, Hughes, Melean, Washer and Cubs manager Michael Ryan were the only ones ejected as a result of the madness, but a slew of suspensions are likely looming.

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