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Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020
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Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 1:07 PM

Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Now that the Cubs' first order of business is taken care of in hiring David Ross as the new manager, it is time for the front office to shift their focus to improving the rest of the current roster. Full Story »

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 1:39 PM

Good Lord I hope your first two predictions don't come true... A cheat for the hitting coach and a pitching coach who's pitchers fell to all time lows under his tutelage.....smh!

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 1:56 PM

Manny Ramierez was part of an ERA where Steroids were used by almost everyone. That shouldnt prevent him from being a coach. He was a great hitting coach with 70 percent of this roster when they were at Iowa.

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 1:58 PM [ in reply to Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020 ]

I'm not sure what the Cub will do but these would be off-the-radar picks for sure

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 2:14 PM

Yes and no. DeRo has expressed interest in coaching for awhile and mentioned the Cubs last season before Loretta was brought in. Manny worked with most of these core players in Iowa a few years ago and had them playing at a much more consistent level than they are doing now.

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 2:00 PM

I agree that Loretta and Venable will and should move on. DeRosa would be a great choice as David Ross' right hand man.

Id like to see Greg Maddux as the pitching coach, but I don't see that happening. I'm just not sold on the current pitching coach. Whoever it is has their work cut out for them as we were near terrible in the the pitching department, especially the bullpen and the amount of walks and hit batters at critical points in the game. Coming into the game and immediately issuing a walk is intolerable and must stop. I believe a pitcher has got to be trust his stuff and the defense behind him, so if you're not a strikeout pitcher pitch to the batters weakness and have them put the ball in play and trust the defense.

It seems we've become obsessed with a pitcher throwing 100mph just as we have with the long ball. Hendricks is a perfect example that you don't have to be a fireballer to get guys out. I'm hoping our pitchers will be smarter and be a pitcher not just a thrower. Some of the responsibility is on the catcher, unless the pitch calls are coming from the dugout.

I don't know the responsibility of the bullpen coach is, but maybe that position needs addressing as well.

I hope Ross can assemble a lineup that's the same for two days in a row, and the starting pitcher can pitch at least 7 innings. Time will tell.

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 2:01 PM

Maddux would be really cool to see but not sure he wants to grind a full baseball season ever again.

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 2:13 PM

I dont think Maddux has shown any interest in being a pitching coach in the past. What about bringing in John Lackey as a pitching coach. A no nonsense type of guy which is something the Cubs need in the Club house. You dont think he would hesitate to tell you how it is do you?

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Re: Bold Predictions on Cubs coaching staff for 2020

Oct 25, 2019, 3:30 PM

Probably need some experience coaching before you get the prized position of Chicago Cubs pitching coach.

Something he could work towards if he wanted to get into coaching.

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