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Commentary: Speculating and Introducing the 2020 Cubs
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Commentary: Speculating and Introducing the 2020 Cubs

Sep 12, 2019, 2:49 PM

Commentary: Speculating and Introducing the 2020 Cubs

“These concepts of vision and togetherness are only words if we don't live up to them. We understand that our actions are much more meaningful than our words.”-Theo Epstein
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Re: Commentary: Speculating and Introducing the 2020 Cubs

Sep 12, 2019, 7:38 PM

I think your projections are way off. I also do not agree with any of your suggested trades, other than obtaining Merrifield. First, the Cubs need a lot of pitching, and Hamels as pitched well for the Cubs other than his first 2 outings back from the injured list. I would offer Hamels either a Qualifying Offer or a 2-year contract with an option for the second year being a mutual option for the club and Hamels. The offer will probably need to be 20 mil. per year, which is fine, he is worth it. Plus Morrow, Strop, Kintzler, and Cishek all come off the books. Further, Lester will continue to slip as he ages as well. Lester was a good signing, but he will also be 36 next year. They should also execute Quintana's option as any other starter at his age and caliber will cost quite a bit more. Unfortunately, I do not see anyone taking on Chatwood's contract and while he has been much better this year than last year, I would not really call him good. The only team I can see taking him is someone like the Texas Rangers who need a lot of starters, maybe the Angels. Unfortunately, the Texas minor league system (as is the Angels) is extremely weak, so I do not see any prospects worthwhile from either of those 2 teams. So, I believe the Cubs are stuck with Chatwood. I do not see any point in trading Almora as the Cubs would get very little for him, and he is the best defensive outfielder, yes, even better than Heyward. Kemp cannot hit, and if he has minor league options that is where he belongs, he cannot hit enough to belong on a major league roster. I also would not trade Caratini, as the Contreras seems to get hurt quite often, and Rizzo's back also flairs up a couple of times each season. Amaya is too far away to be promoted to the major leagues, he needs a lot more seasoning. Yes, Descalso has to go and should be bought out and released. I would trade for Merrifield if the Royals are willing to trade him, the Cubs will need to trade quite a lot of young talent, maybe Bote, Happ (who I again disagree with you - he is hitting under .210, and who knows if he even has value because of it), Pereidia (not Amaya - a minor league catcher in the system who is rated fairly well, and one or two minor league pitchers not named Marquez, Norwood, or Azolay. I would also re-sign Zobrist if he does not retire to a 1-year deal at 8 mil. instead of 12, though they may need to do something like the above suggested deal with Hamels. Zobrist has proved he can still hit, and play ball. He is also a great club house presence, like David Ross. I would also keep Russell for this next year, since he was effectively out last year because of his commotion, and maybe after a year of having things calm down he will regain some focus, and trend up. Also, the Cubs really do not have a backup shortstop. Yes, Hoerner looks really good but he should be left in Triple A for the year to gain further experience. Unfortunately, I do not think Maddon knows how to manage a bullpen and has ruined some arms like Cishek (he basically until recently had him pitching almost every day - you can't do that and the guy to pitch well. The bullpen will contain Wick, Ryan, Wieck, Chatwood, Norwood, Phelps (I agree with you here because he is cheap), Kimbrel, maybe Hultzen depending on how he does in Spring Training, and maybe one other top reliever that is a FA, someone like a Giles (he is not a free agent this offseason) but you need a second very good reliever to pitch when Kimbrel can't, and to be able to extend the came to Kimbrel.

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