WATCH: Benches clear after Seiya Suzuki guns down baserunner at home |
Seiya Suzuki can do it all and you probably don't wanna mess with Willson Contreras.
Suzuki threw a perfect strike in deep right field to get Pirates runner Daniel Vogelbach at home plate during Tuesday night's game against the Pirates. After the small collision with Willson Contreras, Vogelbach had a few words with his former Cubs minor league teammate (Contreras). "I was just basically checking on him, and he overreacted," Contreras said during postgame interviews. "It kind of surprised me a lot, but it is what it is. The only thing that I said was, 'Don't do that to me. We played together.' At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. We won the ballgame, and they got shutout." Both benches cleared for a moment, but nothing else much happened. Check out the play below: How about that throw from Seiya, huh? pic.twitter.com/O5jkYIt4Vg
Here's video of said kerfuffle: pic.twitter.com/l5NqFM91F9